Odin| 7 months
This past month has been my absolute favorite with you so far!!! You have learned so much. You are the sweetest little guy and love grabbing me and hugging me as hard as you can. You constantly say “mama” over and over. (Dad gets a little jealous!) You are a total mama’s boy right now. If someone else is holding you and I walk in the room, you practically leap out of their arms to get to me. You have learned how to roll in every which direction to get where you want and you’re trying your hardest to crawl. You are 100% Mickey Mouse obsessed and start dancing as soon as you hear the theme song come on. You LOVE being out in public and people watching. You prefer your solids over milk these days. Peaches, avocados, scrambled eggs, pancakes, mac ‘n’ cheese, mashed potatoes, and anything sweet are your favorites! Honestly we haven’t found a food you won’t eat so far…haha! You are 19lbs of pure sweetness and we are loving every second with you!!!!